You’re invited to
Iowa Association of Alternative Education Legislative Day
Monday, February 27, 2012
in the rotunda of the State Capital, Des Moines
from 10:30 to 1:30 pm
Pizza will be served from Noon-1pm
The Governor and all State Legislators will be invited
Staff and students from all of Iowa’s Alternative schools and programs
are encouraged to participate. Those attending should consider creating a
table display showcasing your program, student work, and special activities.
In addition to promoting alternative education and the great work that you do,
day also serves as an outstanding opportunity for you to talk with your
State Legislator. Please contact them ahead of time, invite them to
see your display and
join you and your students for lunch.
Please RSVP to
Rachelle Brown at (319)433-1930,
or Steve Peters at (515)242-7589,