Student Teachers learning from the experts: Alternative Students! |
On October 18, 2011, Carrie Lane High School in Charles City
hosted an alternative student-UNI student teacher round table. Rockefeller
Alternative High School from Calmar, brought four students, and three students
from Carrie Lane were able to talk to fifteen student teachers about a variety
of subjects, from daily procedures at the alternative schools, to rules and
student teachers were able to gather in-sight and get advice from the
alternative school kids. Students advised the future teachers on what makes a
good teacher and also what makes a bad teacher. The overall consensus from the
students was that good teachers take the time to let the students know that
they are important and that the teacher cares about his/her students.
student teachers were able to see what life was like on the other side of the
desk, which will hopefully benefit them as they transfer into their future
profession. Also, hopefully, the experience of meeting these alternative school
students will turn the student teachers into advocates for young people. A
special thank you to Linda Rosulek, UNI Student Teacher Coordinator, Dawn
Shattuck, Rockefeller High School Instructor, and Don Betts, Carrie Lane
See a Northeast Iowa Community College story about the event