Larry Bell, 2012 IAAE State Conference Opening Keynoter |
Larry Bell opened the IAAE 2012 State Conference with an energetic, interactive message reminding alternative educators of the power we hold to help students transcend barriers. Larry's message to us:
if we have high expectations for our students, they can transcend ALL barriers--including racism, socioeconomic status, and ability level. We have to power to transform the Impossible to I'm Possible!
During his keynote presentation, Larry reminded IAAE members of their ability to persevere, "That's why I'm enamored with you all--you DO NOT give up on a child!" He also outlined a clear procedure to help students be successful: first, get the classroom culture right; next, lay the foundation for success by making sure students know and understand the vocabulary used; then teach simple, systematic strategies for learning.
Larry shows Red Oak Alternative Teacher Brett Eubank how to "Break it Down" |
Larry's presentation got teachers moving and showed them how to get kids moving. Brain-based research shows that kids learn better if they move around, and if their learning is tied to music. Check out Larry's music videos on
his website or purchase his DVD/CD from his
online store if you want to get your students moving and learning his 12 Powerful Words. Larry's message: we have the power to empower our students by teaching them these words and strategies!
Conference attendees enjoyed Larry's specific strategies, his vibrant personality, and his positive messages to alternative educators and students.
"Instead of calling these kids 'at-risk' let's call them 'at promise,' because these kids have a lot of promise!" --Larry Bell
What did you learn from Larry Bell's keynote? Did you enjoy his presentation? Are you trying out any of Larry's strategies in your own classroom? Tell other IAAE members about it in the comments below!