July 31, 2012

New Page: How to Nominate Someone for a 2013 IAAE Award

A new page has been added to this IAAE News Blog! Click the tab above to learn how to nominate a colleague for recognition at the 2013 IAAE State Conference.

Board Meeting Minutes 5/14/12

IAAE Board Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2012
DMACC FFA Bldg Room 208

I.  Call to Order
    a.  In attendance: Rachelle Brown, Tammy Chelf, Josh Dean, Lisa Demuth, Brett Eubank, Amber Evans, Lisa Hackman, Steve Peters, Shannon Reisinger, Gina Scheffler, Marlana Schnell, Kelsey Steffener, Dawn Young
    b. Regrets: Ken Burrington, Jen Duncan, Brian Friesner, Bob Howlett - Residential educators disbanded, Theresa Keeley, Pam Kirsch, Joel Schutte, Susan Walkup

II. Approval of April 11 and 13, 2012 Board meeting minutes
    a. Minutes approved as presented

III. Treasurer's Report
    a. Money and bills are coming in from the IAAE state conference.  Current balance: $15,778.70
    b. Rachelle may be contacting Risky Business representatives to talk about a loan for IAAE.  IAAE does not run with excessive cash on hand, usually runs just in time.
    c. Scavo Grants: The grant to Expo is going to written to Rachelle Brown, who will keep accounting of the money.
    d. Verbal Treasurer's report approved.

IV.   Meeting dates for next year:
    September 21, 2012
    October 14, 2012  7:30pm - this is a change from what was discussed at the meeting
    December 7, 2012
    February 1, 2013
    February 8, 2013 (snow day)
    March 4, 2013
    April 3, 2013 (conference night)
    April 5, 2013 (following conference)
V.  Risky Business Update
    a. No report
    b. A brief history of the Risky Business conference was given

VI.  2012 Spring Conference review
    a. Overall, evaluations have been positive.  
    b. Thank you notes
         i. The list of remaining thank yous were divided up among Board members to be completed.

VII.  2013 Spring Conference
    a. Theme "Elevating the Essentials Improving Student Outcomes"
    b. Friday speaker:
         i. ideas: Trauma Informed Care
    c. Conference duties and responsibilities
         i. Conference chair for 2013: Brett Eubank
         ii.  Awards and grants: Pam Kirsch
         iii. Vendors: Lisa D
         iv. Introduce keynotes: Lisa D.
         v. Presenters: Lisa H
         vi. Program: Lisa H, Theresa, Rachelle, Lisa D (folders, etc.)
         vii. Registration: Rachelle, Theresa
         viii.  Food: Steve
         ix. Conference evaluation forms: Brett
         x. Entertainment: Rachelle has been working on this with Prairie Meadows
         xi. Door prizes: Kelsey
         xii Hospitality room: TBA
         xiii. College credit: Ray and Greg - Tammy will contact
         ivx. Presenters needs: Marlana (contracted speakers)
         xv. Elections: Josh Dean

VIII.  Future Conferences
     a. Waterloo 2014
     b. Next site 2015:  Ideas - Quad Cities
     c. Cedar Rapids 2016?
     d. Sioux City?

IX.  Bylaws
    a. Proposed changes (see handout)

X. Board membership

XI.  Communication about 2013 IAAE State Conference
    a. Lisa Demuth is trying to get some information out though SAI about the State Conference and Mike Schmocher.

XII.  Communication
    a. We need to get mailing lists collected and composed

XIII.  Adjournment

July 02, 2012

Risky Business XXV: Call for Presenters

During the past 24 years, the Iowa Association of Alternative Education, Scavo Campus (DMPS), the Harbor Alternative Program (SEP), Walnut Creek Campus (West DSM) and the Des Moines Area Community College Youth Consortium have all collaborated at one time or another to sponsor the annual Risky Business Conference held during the fall of each year. Risky Business has grown to become one of Iowa’s largest one day at risk conferences. It attracts approximately 300 educators, counselors, administrators and other professionals who work with at-risk youth. The conference affords those in attendance the opportunity to hear a nationally recognized keynoter and to select from over 30 presentations on current issues involving at-risk youth from elementary through secondary levels. 

Risky Business XXV has been scheduled for Monday, October 15, 2012 at The Meadows Events & Conference Center at Prairie Meadows, One Prairie Meadows Drive, Altoona, IA 50009 (click for map and directions.)

If you would like to present, please click here for a downloadable form that can be filled out and electronically returned to the Risky Business committee. Click here for a letter of introduction and details about meals/and fees for presenters.

The Risky Business 2012 keynote speaker will be Christian Moore from Why Try.

From WhyTry.org:

Christian Moore is an internationally renowned author, speaker, and advocate for at-risk youth. The WhyTry Program he authored has proven to be one of the most effective ways to teach critical social and emotional skills affecting the success and happiness of individuals facing life’s challenges.

Christian grew up in the Washington, D.C. area in a family of twelve children. By the second grade, Christian had been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, conduct disorder, and severe learning disabilities.   Despite overwhelming obstacles, Christian rose from special education to earn a master’s degree in social work.

As a social worker, Christian's work with youth led him to the realization that they usually lacked only one thing to experience the same success he had--hope. The WhyTry Program teaches key social and emotional skills that open the door to hope. WhyTry is now used in thousands of  schools, correctional facilities, and mental health agencies in the United States, Canada, and Australia and continues to be one of the fastest growing intervention programs for at-risk youth.

For a preview of his presentation, check out this YouTube video:

We look forward to seeing you October 15, 2012 at Risky Business XXV!