April 04, 2011

Board Meeting Minutes 3/25/11

IAAE Board Meeting Agenda
March 25th, 2011     10:00-2:00
FFA Building
DMACC Ankeny Campus

  1. Call to Order

    1. In Attendance: Rachelle Brown, Pam Courtney (via Skype), Josh Dean, Lisa Demuth, Jen Duncan, Brett Eubank, Lisa Hackman, Doug Harrold, Bob Howlett, Pat Johansen, Lori Kay, Steve Peters, Dawn Young
    2. Regrets: Brian Galusha, Todd Goodell, Gina Sheffler, Preston VanLoon, Susan Walkup

  1. Approval of January 28th 2011 Board Meeting Minutes
    1. Minutes approved.

  1. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Rachelle shared the latest report and the IAAE tax exempt number, which is 71-0972509.  Use the tax exempt number when making purchases for the IAAE.
    2. Treasurer’s report approved as submitted.

  1. Legislative Day Review
    1. Rachelle worked hard this year to cut the costs of the day – great job Rachelle!  19 schools attended.
    2. Little Ceaser’s in Des Moines was very supportive of the day by working with us to provide pizzas.
    3. The Governor made an appearance.  There is a video on YouTube that a student took during the event.  Jen will work on getting a link to this on the IAAE website.
    4. Rachelle is going to write up something for Legislative Day.  Send any pictures you have to her.
    5. The time in February (early in the month) worked well.  

  1. Spring Conference
    1. Updates
      1. Program is set and ready to print.
      2. There is one presenter on the waiting list if someone cancels.
      3. Lori got AV information to Steve.
      4. Lisa D. has signed contracts for food, schedule and some AV equipment from the hotel.  Lisa D. will order another table for Ray and Greg to use for CEUs and graduate credit information.
      5. Lisa D. and her students can stuff folders for the conference.  Get anything you want in the folders to Lisa D.  She also has a description of board members duties that someone will clean up and add to information we share.
      6. As of yesterday, we have 115 full pay registrants for the conference.
      7. There is someone for each of the four awards.  Trophies that are needed for these awards will be ordered
      8. Board members – remember to bring a door prize or two.  
      9. Grand prize will be a color Nook.
      10. Entertainment is set at “All in the Family”.  We have a Hospitality Room for free on Thursday.  An announcement will be made that a room is available for people to meet.  Lisa H and Pat are willing to “staff” the room 4:00-6:00.  Board members are asked to bring a snack to share in the Hospitality Room.   
      11. The Board meetings before and after the conferene will be in Rm 292.
      12. There will be a presenter’s room where they can put belongings, etc.
    2. Unfinished business
      1. Membership certificates – Doug will talk to Mary about printing the certificates.
      2. If people cannot attend the conference, but want to be IAAE members, they can pay $35.
      3. Rachelle will follow up with Brian Galusha about the President’s plaque.

  1. Old Business
    1. Newsletter
      1. New format – Blog instead of paper copy!
      2. We have people running for each open Board position

  1. New Business
    1. Northwest AEA will not be able to support the conference like it has in the past with administrative duties (billing, printing, etc, etc).  Would it be possible to pay someone, a school district or AEA to do this?  Discussion followed.   We may be able to write a contract as a conference expense to pay someone.
    2. There is an Events Planning major at ISU that may have students looking for interns.  We should tap this resource in the future.
    3. Lisa Hackman has volunteered to work with scheduling presenters for the 2012 conference.
    4. The Board would like to ask Jason Glass to an IAAE Board meeting either in May or in the fall.
    5. The Board meeting in May will be May 6th.
    6. Doug suggested starting now on getting a contract with a hotel for next year’s conference.
      1. Approved a motion for Lisa D, Jen and Bob to work together to negotiate a contract with the Airport Holiday Inn for an April 12-13, 2012 state conference.

  1. Adjournment

***Next meeting: Wednesday April 6th, Room 292 Airport Holiday Inn, Des Moines.  7:30pm – Meeting to choose Scavo Grant winners – anyone available may attend 8:00pm – Board meeting.  See you then!

Respectfully submitted,
Dawn Young

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